Geoquest designs and supplies materials for the construction of groynes and breakwaters.

The need to build groynes and breakwaters is on the rise. For offshore and shoreline stakeholders, these necessary structures protect not only maritime assets and ship-to-shore infrastructure, but also protect and preserve natural shorelines and coastal development that drive local and global economies.

Solutions designed and supplied by Geoquest are developed to ensure offshore and coastline erosion control, harbor sustainability and landform and infrastructure preservation. For coastal protection, groynes and breakwaters serve different but complementary purposes as far as littoral transport is concerned.

The customized engineered TerraDyke™ solution developed by Geoquest is particularly well adapted to their construction. This state-of-the-art technique is based on the use of geotextile tubes which constitute the core of the structures. It is a soft solution offering the advantages of geosynthetic materials and locally available fill materials.

TechRevetment™ formed concrete mattresses are an ideal solution for the primary armor layer and the antiscour aprons which can be complemented by anchor tubes. Our TerraTextile™ NW nonwoven geotextiles are essential components to cope with filtration and separation issues.

When basal reinforcement is necessary due to the nature of the foundation soil of the structures, ArmaLynk® and ArmaGrid® geogrids will provide the right answer.

Related solutions

Reinforced Earth®

Reinforced Earth®

Our flagship technique, Reinforced Earth®, is based on the principle of the friction between soil and reinforcements creating a permanent and predictable bond. At the origin of all mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) walls on the market today, we are continuously perfecting this ingenious technique.



TerraLink™  is our adaptation of the original Reinforced Earth® technique. Where conventional length of of reinforcements are not possible due to space limitations, linking the Reinforced Earth® system directly to an existing structure creates a structurally sound shored retaining wall.



TerraTrel® is a lightweight solution used for the construction of mechanically stabilized earth (MSE) structure using a durable steel wire mesh facing.



Geotrel® is a solution used for the construction of mechanically stabilized earth walls (MSE). It consists of stacked welded wire elements that serve as the facing of an engineered soil volume.



TerraMet™ MSE walls use metallic, semi-elliptical, modular panels as facing. This technique predates the introduction of our concrete and mesh facings, and yet has been used extensively throughout the world since the first operational Geoquest retaining wall was constructed in 1964.



A precast retaining wall system, TechWall™ combines the advantages of counterfort with the quality and effectiveness of precast concrete. A great fit for sites with soil bearing capacities allowing for shallow foundations, TechWall™ can also be combined with piling solutions to accommodate different types of soil. Sustainable, cost-effective, and quick to install, TechWall™ may just be the ideal solution for your project needs.



T-Wall® is a precast modular concrete “T”-shaped gravity wall. The solution is perfectly adapted to support heavy dynamic loads, and presents many benefits such as requiring an overall lower backfill volume as compared to other modular wall alternatives.



The TechRevetment™ geosynthetic form concrete mattress is widely used for riverbank and riverbed protection. Our erosion protection solutions are highly resistant and durable, assuring for long-term service and limited maintenance.



TerraGreen™ geosynthetic turf reinforcement mats allow for durable erosion protection and will help you make significant savings compared to rock riprap and other traditional solutions.



The TerraDyke™ geotextile tube is an excellent option for the construction of gravity standing structures for the rehabilitation of shorelines.



TerraFlow™ drainage geocomposites provide superior vertical and horizontal waterflow drainage control as opposed to aggregate chimney drains.



Geoquest’s ArmaWeb® is an expandable, cellular soil confinement solution. It is an ideal answer for engineers and builders seeking to design or install a durable system for permanent or temporary control of erosion, stabilizing subgrade soils or for controlled load distribution.



TerraAnchor™ is used for soil reinforcement applications. It is used for permanent and temporary stabilization of existing slopes and structures by using high tensile galvanized steel rods as soil reinforcement for permanent applications, or galvanized steel strands for temporary applications. Geoquest provides a range of anchor load capacity selections that reach up 15-tons, and driven to variable depths.



Geoquest and subsidiary companies offer TerraNail™, for installing passive soil and rock anchoring and stabilization systems. This solution is widely specified by geotechincal engineers for builders and earthworkers to install adequate measures to ensure stability and take control of embankment soil and rock displacement, foundation instability, mass erosion, and retention facing displacements.

TerraTextile™ W

TerraTextile™ W

Under the umbrella of TerraTextile™, our woven geotextile solutions address construction challenges associated with soft and poorly draining soils. The solution provides long term separation, filtration and hydrostatic pressure control that in turn constricts potential surface and subgrade deformations.

TerraTextile™ NW

TerraTextile™ NW

Under the umbrella of TerraTextile™, our line of non-woven geotextiles provide excellent strength and hydraulic characteristics necessary for filtration, separation, drainage, damage control, threats to ground stabilization, and erosion control.

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