Geoquest offers engineered solutions protect infrastructure, utilities, buildings, and lives from debris flows and debris floods.
The threat of climate change raising the global temperatures, potentially causes a change in weather patterns, thawing of permafrost areas, increasing wildfires, debris flows, and shallow landslide activity. The use of flexible-net barriers can be an efficient alternative to the other traditional and costly mitigation measures such as dams and other rigid barriers.
Debris flow barriers are designed on a site-to-site basis to protect infrastructure, utilities, buildings, and lives from debris flows and debris floods. Typical barriers are installed in run-out or deposition zones, close to the elements at risk that they protect or in series in the torrent channel. Each debris flow protection system is designed on a site-to-site basis, based on a thorough understanding of the debris flow characteristics and loading parameters
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Resulting from decades of research and development, TechSpan® is a buried precast concrete arch system designed to accommodate high fills, heavy live loads, and alternating loading conditions. With a small footprint and easy and quick to install, TechSpan® is ideal for mining, industrial, and railway applications, it is gaining popularity in many different markets. See the many uses of our precast arch system.
A precast retaining wall system, TechWall™ combines the advantages of counterfort with the quality and effectiveness of precast concrete. A great fit for sites with soil bearing capacities allowing for shallow foundations, TechWall™ can also be combined with piling solutions to accommodate different types of soil. Sustainable, cost-effective, and quick to install, TechWall™ may just be the ideal solution for your project needs.