Geoquest offers engineered solutions protect infrastructure, utilities, buildings, and lives from debris flows and debris floods.

The threat of climate change raising the global temperatures, potentially causes a change in weather patterns, thawing of permafrost areas, increasing wildfires, debris flows, and shallow landslide activity. The use of flexible-net barriers can be an efficient alternative to the other traditional and costly mitigation measures such as dams and other rigid barriers.

Debris flow barriers are designed on a site-to-site basis to protect infrastructure, utilities, buildings, and lives from debris flows and debris floods. Typical barriers are installed in run-out or deposition zones, close to the elements at risk that they protect or in series in the torrent channel. Each debris flow protection system is designed on a site-to-site basis, based on a thorough understanding of the debris flow characteristics and loading parameters

Related solutions

Rockfall nets

Rockfall nets

Geoquest has developed a solution that addresses the need for owners and builders to install active, preventive safety measures that mitigate the potential for debris flow at the source, and limit the damaging effects as a consquence of such an event.

Rockfall barriers

Rockfall barriers

While Geoquest is renowned not only for reinforcing and stabilizing inhabitable earth formations, our team also has expertise in delivering solutions that control, mitigate and protect against rockfall and debris flow through the use of engineered barriers.



Resulting from decades of research and development, TechSpan® is a buried precast concrete arch system designed to accommodate high fills, heavy live loads, and alternating loading conditions. With a small footprint and easy and quick to install, TechSpan® is ideal for mining, industrial, and railway applications, it is gaining popularity in many different markets. See the many uses of our precast arch system.



TechBox™ consists of precast box elements used to build a structure under backfill. It allows rapid on-site regulated installation. The soil cover required in TechBox™ structures is lower than for arch structures.



A precast retaining wall system, TechWall™ combines the advantages of counterfort with the quality and effectiveness of precast concrete. A great fit for sites with soil bearing capacities allowing for shallow foundations, TechWall™ can also be combined with piling solutions to accommodate different types of soil. Sustainable, cost-effective, and quick to install, TechWall™ may just be the ideal solution for your project needs.

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